Adding a store - What information is needed?

There are three ways you can add a store to your map, manually, via the CSV bulk upload, or via the Google drive sheet.

You may be wondering what information is required for the upload, and if you do need to complete every field.

The short answer is no. Only the name and Address are mandatory and are required for a store to be added successfully.

Within the dashboard and the CSV/Google sheet, you will see the same information.

Please see a quick overview of what each field means

(note - the below fields are not mandatory to have but are great sources of information for your customers)

Phone – Enter location phone number in any format

Email – Email address

URL – Any link you want to navigate your user to when they click on the link ‘Website’ text in the listing.

Description – Location description. You can also use html tags here.

Tier / Priority – (Premium feature) You can assign numbered tiers to your locations, to feature or prefer certain locations to show first. Check more details here Using tiers to feature or prefer certain locations

Hide store – Check this box if you want to hide any location from showing up on the searches and listings.

Categories or Product Lines – You can assign categories to your locations to differentiate between different types of locations, show multiple brands or sub-brands on one map and to identify which products or product lines are available at each location. For more information, please see our Using Category Features article.

Image url – Location logo. You can add URL to hosted image and it will be displayed in the listing and in pop up window on the map.

Custom marker url – Assign a location to a custom marker pin. We support URLS, so you need to host marker the image somewhere first.

Custom Fields 1 – 3 – Use it for any additional information about your location (like working hours / Discounts) etc - please see helpful article here

If you wish to have an extra field added or you need any help with the current fields, please reach out at

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