Adding filters to your map

Storemapper now allows three filter options to be added to your map by tagging locations with categories. This allows users to be able to filter down to find exactly what they are looking for. You can choose whatever filter options you want. So lets get started!

The first step is to ensure you tag your products in the back-end


>Customize text

>Scroll down to categories

>Select “Add Category”

You will have the option to add three custom categories. You can add as many tags as needed.

You have the option of labelling your Filter or leaving it blank under "Label for custom category". If this is left blank, it will show as "Filter" on your map.

>Next Step is to assign them to a store

Remember you can have as many or as little assigned to one store as you want

>You can also add these in your CSV / Google drive sync, just separate them out via a comma

(TIP: Remember to always add them in the back-end first)

>These will be added under custom_category1, custom_category2 or custom_category3 depending on how many filter options you have

Once you have uploaded or synced your sheet, your filters will now be available on your map.

If you would prefer your filter options to show as checkboxes and not as a dropbox box, no problem just drop us an email at and we will update this for you.

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